Author Wallace Stegner once said every book should try to answer an anguished question. I took his advice to heart and over the years tried to answer an array of ‘left-brain’ questions with creative ‘right brain’ answers ranging over the fields of archaeology, conservation, ranching, the radical center, regenerative agriculture, and climate change – introduced in MY STORY.
Core questions emerged quickly: What is land for? How can we use it without using it up? How should we live? How do we heal damaged land and repair relationships? Over time, as the scale of our accelerating impact on the planet increased, new anguished questions arose: Can we restrain ourselves? How do we build resilience? What are practical solutions to climate change? Eventually, they merged into one general question: WHAT IS EARTH FOR?
I didn’t follow a prepared path in seeking answers, producing creative work in diverse formats: two fine art photography projects ~ a history book ~ a peer-reviewed archaeology paper ~ two nonfiction books on climate solutions ~ a play ~ a nonprofit organization ~ three collections of essays ~ two blogs ~ three columns ~ a time-travel novel ~ a mystery novel ~ a professional journal ~ two lectures ~ coauthored books ~ and a ton of ideas.
MY WORK falls into two phases: A West That Works (1988 – 2005) focused on archaeology, collaborative conservation, progressive ranching, and land use. The Age of Consequences (2006 to present) tackles resilience, carbon, climate change, regeneration, and other issues as we head deeper into our unprecedented future.
THE GRASS CANOE is an ongoing memoir in an essay format focused on adventurous moments in a life of asking questions and seeking answers. ACTION is a summary of recommendations and insights drawn from my experience on the front lines of social change.
The site is organic. I will add NEW material as my work and reflections continue to grow. The site is also a resource. Please feel free to share anything you find useful with others. My BIO provides background information. Feel free to CONTACT me as well.